Category Archives: Uncategorized

What I should have learned from Wisit…

On the second season of Bravo’s Top Design reality interior design competition show, Wisit, an opera singer who’d studied at Parson’s, was one of my early favorites. Sadly, he didn’t hold up well under pressure – his style was self-described as “modern classic elegance” and when one of your clients is Project Runway’s Jeffrey Obnoxious, it’s just not going to work out. Although he should have been out then, the final blow was episode 6, a green office challenge. I don’t remember the exact wording, but basically, he said his green attempt amounted to not buying more than he needed for the challenge. I joined the judges in scorning him for not really understanding “green”, but today I’ve been thinking about how that would be a really good first step.

When I started working at the craft store in November, I hoped I’d find some new ideas to use all the craft supplies and such that I already own. Instead, I’ve bought even more. My yarn stash is quite literally exploding out of its drawers, and my papercrafting supplies no longer even have drawers to explode out of. It’s ridiculous. I mean, I buy things with the intention to use them – I won’t let myself buy anything without a specific project in mind – but that doesn’t guarantee that that project will ever get done or those supplies will ever get used. I’m not a craftaholic, I’m a craft supplies-aholic.

Back to the main point… in all honestly, if more people took that first simple step of not buying more than they needed, well, it would be a great green start. Things like gluing plastic bottles to your light fixtures and stapling the old carpet padding to your walls can come later…

And now, just so you don’t get bored – pictures! I sold my third item! Another set of the mini-notecards, this time with some very vibrant colors and a cute swallow!

I really need to get back on etsy, taking down my Christmas cards and listing new stuff – I’ve made more notecards and some gift tags. Here’s a preview, made from scrapbooking and knitting scraps 🙂

EcoEtsy & Proceeds of Promise

My new Etsy experiment is going slowly, but I’m getting some positive feedback and I’ve made two sales! I’ve also joined an Etsy street team, EcoEtsy, comprised of “Etsyians dedicated to ‘Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle’ in their products and packaging.” This seemed like a perfect match with the idea behind my shop, and so far I’ve discovered some wonderful eco-friendly artists, gotten some great tips for packaging and for prepping for the holidays. You can learn more about the team by visiting the team homepage and blog.

I’ve also signed up for a team charity promotion called “Proceeds of Promise”. From December 7-14, participating shops will donate 10% of their sales to a charity called Heifer International, selected in a team vote. You can find out more about their work “Ending Hunger, Caring for the Earth” by visiting You can learn more about EcoEtsy’s promotion and see a list of participating shops by clicking the banner below 🙂

Proceeds of Promise


Welcome to the blog of my etsy shop, Ripping It Down. Here I’ll be writing about some of my crafting experiments, previewing items that will be for sale on etsy, and announcing promotions. Quite probably rambling a lot as well 😉

If you’re a first-time visitor to the blog, I’d love to know how you stumbled upon and it and what you think. Thanks!